SBS Galveston

Welcome to Aggieland by the Sea!

Howdy! We are Student Business Services for students, parents, faculty, and Texas A&M University Galveston Campus staff.

Click below for the latest information and updates on the TAMU Galveston main website. 

Texas A&M University at Galveston


All tuition and fee amounts provided herein represent the most accurate figures available at publication and are subject to change without notice.
Tuition Calculator  
Curious about your tuition for the upcoming semester? The Tuition Calculator will help estimate costs for your tuition and mandatory fees. The tuition calculator assists students in estimating their tuition and fee costs based on enrolled semester credit hours, classification, residency, tuition rate code selection, and college.
Distance Education Differential Tuition  
Distance Education Differential Tuition is an additional charge for distance education courses. It will range from a minimum of $40 per semester credit hour to a maximum of $550 per semester credit hour. This charge does not replace regular tuition. Each academic department will have an individual rate approved annually by the President of Texas A&M University. The following are the initial rates (only departments above the $40 minimum rate are listed.)


General Deposit  

Every student requires a deposit of $100 to protect the institution against losses, damages, and breakage for which the student is responsible or to be used to offset in part amounts owed to the institution. General deposits are returned to students, less any such amounts owed to the institution, within a reasonable period after the date of the student's withdrawal or graduation from the institution, to be at most 180 days. The deposit retention period provides the University sufficient time to identify all amounts owed and to determine if the student intends to enroll in the semester or summer session immediately following the student's withdrawal or graduation or if the student withdraws or graduates in the spring semester, or in the following fall semester. If a student leaves the University without graduating or officially withdrawing, they must submit a written request to Student Business Services to receive a refund of their deposit. For students who do not graduate, withdraw, or request a refund, deposits remain on file for four years. Texas A&M will forfeit those deposits to the University's General Deposit Scholarship Fund after deducting any amounts owed to the University.

Enrollment Deposit  

Before accepting an admission offer into specific programs, an applicant may be required to pay a non-refundable enrollment deposit to hold their seat in the class. The University will apply this deposit to the tuition/fee statements of students who enroll in the program. Individuals who ultimately don't do courses in the program will forfeit the deposit. Contact your department for additional information regarding your program's policy.

New Student Orientation  

The University charges a non-refundable new student orientation fee of $225 for freshmen and $153 for transfer students to students who attend a new student conference.

New Graduate Student  

The University charges a non-refundable new graduate student fee of $50.00 to all new graduate students. The fee supports the Graduate Studies office related to recruitment and new graduate student activities.

New International Student Orientation  

The University charges a non-refundable new international student orientation fee of $70 to all new international students.

University Advancement  

Each semester, the University Advancement Fee is required for all Texas A&M University students. The Advancement fee funds services such as advising, the Career Center, the Writing Center, technology, and libraries, as well as administrative services such as I.D. services, the campus bus system, billing and refunds, access for students to discounted software, and many of the services provided through the Division of Student Affairs.

International Student Services (ISS)  

This $85.00 fee is required of all students who are not U.S. citizens or who are not U.S. permanent residents to offset the cost of specialized services International Student Services provides to these students, such as immigration advising, certificate of eligibility document issuance (I-20/DS-2019), verification and monitoring of legal status, status changes, extensions of legal status, approve or help with the approval of on and off campus work authorizations, social/academic adjustment, orientation programming, and the administration of special scholarships and programs for these students.

International Health Insurance  

The Texas A&M University System requires all international students entering the U.S. on an F-1 or J-1 student visa to be under the Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan (SSHIP) coverage or have equivalent insurance coverage that meets the waiver criteria.

The forms below will give you state regulation statements about these requirements:

ISS Waiver Guidelines (copy same forms as CS)

Student Health Insurance Regulation (copy same forms as CS)

Visit the  ISS Health Insurance website  for details or additional information.

New International Student Orientation  

The University charges a non-refundable new international student orientation fee of $70 to all new international students.


Thesis/Dissertation/Record of Study Fee (Processing Fee)
This fee includes reviewing, processing, and archiving each thesis/dissertation/study record. Archival formats include microfilm or digital storage. The fee does not include binding personal copies. Information on binding personal copies is available at the Thesis Office or on the Web site
Masters fee: $110
Doctoral fee: $170

Thesis Dissertation Services

Education Abroad  

Upon confirming intent to participate in an international experience, Education Abroad charges a service fee. The amount will differ by program type. For details about the fee structure and provision of services, visit the Education Abroad website.


A non-refundable fee of $47.50 per degree sought ($100 for School of Dentistry, Irma Lerma Rangel School of Pharmacy, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, and School of Public Health) is assessed the semester a student applies for graduation. This fee is payable each time a student applies for graduation. The University will also charge an additional late application fee of $50 per degree to those who apply after the deadline.

Student Business Services  
Late Penalties
Students who fail to pay tuition and fees by the semester's due date are assessed a $100.00 late payment fee. The University will charge a $30.00 returned item fee on each payment plan's due date to College Station and Galveston students whose payment withdrawal is unsuccessful due to insufficient funds or invalid bank account information.
The University will also charge a $30.00 returned item fee on each payment plan's due date to Health Science Center students whose payment withdrawal is unsuccessful due to insufficient funds or invalid bank account information.
Late Registration/Add Penalties
Students who register on or after the 1st day of classes but before the 13th day of classes (before the 4th class day for summer sessions) are assessed a $100 late registration fee. Students who register after the 12th class day are assessed a $200 late registration penalty (4th class day for summer sessions). Students who add classes after the Census Date (12th class day for fall and spring term and 4th class day for summer sessions) that result in a net increase in hours enrolled are assessed a $50 late add fee. It includes students who do not pay by these dates.
Payments and Due Dates
Students are expected to meet all financial obligations to the University by designated due dates. Failure to pay the amounts owed may result in the student's registration cancellation, being barred from future enrollment, and receiving official transcripts. Payments returned for insufficient funds or invalid accounts may result in canceling the student's registration and restrictions on payment options unless cleared within the period given.
Payment Plan
Tuition, most required fees, room, board, and parking are included in the payment plan, which consists of four equal payments during the semester. A $50 service charge to cover the handling cost will be assessed for each student who selects the payment plan. Students may pay in advance any time during a semester; however, the service charge will not be refunded. Students who wish to pay their bursar bills can select this option through the Howdy Portal. The payment plan is an option students must choose at the beginning of each semester. There are penalties for failure to pay by the specified payment due dates. A late payment penalty is assessed for each payment not received on or before its payment plan due date. Students may also be subject to late registration charges and cancellation of courses if they don't pay by the due date.
Cancellation or Withdrawal
Before the 20th day of class (15th class day for the summer term), the University reserves the right to cancel registrations not paid by their due date to free the classroom spaces for other students and ensure the most efficient utilization of university resources.
Once a student has registered for classes, they must take one of the following courses of action to remain in good standing with the University:
Pay all amounts due by the specified due date.
Drop all classes before the first class day.
Complete the online withdrawal process found in the Student Withdrawal channel on the My Record tab in Howdy if on or after the first class day.
It is essential for students awarded scholarships or financial aid since the aid may automatically pay tuition and fees and cause the registration to be held even though the student has decided not to attend. Failure to drop classes or officially withdraw and request cancellation of an unwanted registration may result in grades of F or I (Incomplete) in all courses for the semester. The student will be required to reimburse the University for scholarships and other financial aid applied to their account and will be held responsible for paying all fees for the semester, regardless of whether they attended classes.
Non-Funded Course Fees (3-Peat Rule)
A course repeated by a student more than twice at a public institution of higher Education in Texas may not be reported to the state for funding. As a result, the institution must pass the non-funded portion on to all students or charge a supplementary fee to the student repeating the course.
A student attempting certain courses more than twice at Texas A&M University will be subject to a supplementary fee of $125 per semester credit hour ($375 for a 3-hour course) for the repeated course in addition to tuition and required fees associated with the course.
Failure to Pay
If payment is delinquent when a semester ends, the student will be removed from the University's rolls and will not receive credit for academic work. Students will not be readmitted to the University until all past-due balances, including late charges, are paid. If a student is removed from the rolls of the University or withdraws for failure to pay a balance due to the University, a $50-$200 reinstatement fee will be assessed in addition to any other late fees or penalties already incurred. The student must pay the due balance before getting reinstated. Payments can be made online through the Howdy Portal.
Returned Check Charge
If the bank returns a check or electronic check accepted by the University, the person presenting it must pay a returned check service charge of $30. If the check is for tuition or fees, the student's class registration for that term may be canceled.
Orientation Week  

A one-time $43 fee is required for all incoming freshman cadets.

Program Fees  

For current program fee rates, please click on the Tuition Calculator website from the section above.

Master of Maritime Administration and Logistics
This fee supports all activities surrounding the Master of Maritime Administration and Logistics program.

Master of Marine Resource Management
This fee supports all activities surrounding the Master of Marine Resource Management program.

Commercial Cruise  

The fee structure for the Commercial Cruise program is $1800 per cruising semester. This fee covers all activities surrounding the program.

Summer Cruise  

The fee structure is restructured annually and charged per cruising semester to support all activities surrounding the program. Informational sessions are held each Summer Sea term to discuss costs.

TAMU Galveston Summer Sea Term

Health Center  

This $60.00 per semester fee ($25.00 per summer five-week term) is required of all students to operate, maintain, and equip the  University Health Center . It entitles the student to its services, which include basic medical consultations, health screenings, and access to health education resources. Please note that these services do not include surgical operations or charges for consultations with outside physicians requested by parents.

TAMU Galveston Health Services

Drug Testing  

A $30 fee per semester is required for all License Options students. 

License Option  

A $12.50 per credit hour fee is required for all License Options students. This fee covers the costs of licensing materials, software, and resources essential for your academic success in the License Options program.

Student Recreation Center  

A $145 per semester fee ($72.50 per summer five-week term) is required of all students. This fee is used to operate, maintain, improve, and equip the  Student Recreation Center , which provides a wide range of fitness and recreational facilities and services to enhance your physical and mental well-being.

TAMU Galveston Campus Recreation

Student Center Complex  

A $100.00 per semester fee ($50.00 per summer five-week term) is required of all students. This fee is used to operate, maintain, improve, and equip the Student Center Complex, which serves as a hub for student activities, events, and services, enhancing your campus experience.

Visit the University Bookstore at TAMU Galveston Bookstore.
Dining Plans  

Visit the University Dining and select from dining plans.

TAMU Galveston Aggie Dining

Residence Hall Room Rates  

All students living in residence halls are required to pay room rent. Rooms have beds, mattresses, desks, chairs, and dressers. Students are expected to furnish their pillows, blankets, and linens. Room rents include utilities (electricity, heating, A/C, lights) and cleaning of common areas. (Rates are subject to change.) For more information, please contact Campus Living & Learning at .

Campus Living & Learning

Parking Permit  

Required of all students who park motor vehicles on campus. (Rates are subject to change.) Permits may be purchased online. For further information regarding parking or transportation at Texas A&M, please visit Transportation Services, call (409)740-4545, or email

TAMU Galveston Parking Permit Regulations

Due Dates and Payment Methods

How to Pay

The on-campus cashier booth located on the first floor MAIN only accepts check payments.

View More Payment Methods

Due Dates

Payment due dates for each semester can be accessed below.

View Due Dates


Texas A&M University issues refunds electronically to students' bank accounts when applicable. Click below to learn more about refunds, submitting your banking information, and more.

Learn About Refunds

Tourism Galveston Image
Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan (TGTP)

Formerly known as the Texas Tomorrow Fund, TGTP is a prepaid college investment program operating in Texas that covers tuition and/or fees based on the number of hours purchased under a student's contract.

Find Out More

Contact Us

Office Hours: 

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. // Monday - Friday
Closed on University holidays

Payment Booth Hours: 

8 a.m. - 3 p.m. // Monday - Friday
Closed on University holidays


Payment Mailing Address: 

P.O. Box: 1675 
Galveston, TX 77553
Attn: Student Business Services



8 a.m. - 5 p.m. // Monday - Friday


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